Book Fair

27 –30 March 2025
Czech National Stand: Halle 4, Stand E301

The Czech Republic was the main guest country at the Leipzig Book Fair (Leipziger Buchmesse) in 2019 after 24 years. In 2020, there was no main guest country at the book fair, and Czech literature should return to Leipzig with "Echo Leipzig" and 11 Czech authors. The Leipzig Book Fair was cancelled in 2020 due to the COVID-19 pandemic.

Unfortunately, the Leipzig Book Fair did also not be taking place in 2021 , though literary events such as Leipzig Liest ("Lepizig reads") were all over the city.

In 2022, The Leipzig Book Fair was scheduled to take place from 17 to 20 March. Unfortunately, the organisers had to cancel it again.

In 2023 and 2024 the fair and the festival took place properly.

Exhibitors 2025

HOST Publishers, s.r.o.

Host is one of the largest independent publishing houses in the Czech Republic, established nearly 30 years ago. Host currently publishes about 150 titles annually, in genres including general fiction, SF and fantasy, crime fiction, thrillers, children’s literature, popular science, specialist literature, poetry. Host Czech authors are among the top performers in the Czech Republic – in terms of copies sold, awards won, reception by critics and readers alike, and a number of translations.

Radlas 5, 602 00 Brno, Czech Republic

Euromedia Group

Baobab, an alternative publisher of children's illustrated books, is dedicated to publishing original texts and interesting translations. In their artistic elaboration, he collaborates with the upcoming generation of artists.

Plavecká 14, 128 00 Prague 2, Czech Republic


The publishing house, printing house and bookstore under the roof of the second oldest Czech university has been focusing on academic publications and popular science literature since 1991. It also popularizes science and participates in the third role of the university. It publishes specialist monographs, medical publications, textbooks and book projects in the fields of history, art and photography. It cooperates with various cultural institutions and both Czech and foreign authors.

Biskupské náměstí 1, 779 00 Olomouc


The Publishing Department is a special-purpose facility administering National Gallery Prague’s publishing activity in close cooperation with art historians, curators, lecturers, collections, and the Gallery’s library. The department’s expert output is determined by its specialist focus. Apart from traditional printed matter - exhibition catalogues, collection inventories, guides, professional journals, conference proceedings, artist monographs - we also publish specialist books about art and related fields (art theory and philosophy, museology, art history archives, etc.), books introducing the Gallery’s collections, and children’s books.

Staroměstské nám. 12, 110 15 Prague 1, Czech Republic

svět knihy
SVĚT KNIHY, s.r.o. /

Company founded by the Association of Czech Booksellers and Publishers. Its main activity is the organisation of the annual Book World Prague Fair, the promotion of books and literature and export of Czech books.

Fügnerovo nám. 1808/3, 120 00 Prague 2, Czech Republic

The exhibition catalogue for the Leipzig Book Fair can be downloaded here.

Program 2025: click here

Authors 2025

A history of participation
at the book fair

Participation at the Leipzig Book Fair dates back to 2017. You can also take a brief look at previous years.

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