The London
 Book Fair

March 11 to 13, 2025  5E105

The London Book Fair this year will open on 11 March 2025.
​ The London Book Fair is known as an universal book fair, where the emphasis is placed on seminars and conferences, as well as the presentation of authors and their new works. 


Exhibitors 2025

Albatros Media

Albatros Media publishing house specializes in children´s books with original and innovative format well-known around the whole world. The flagship imprint Albatros was established in 1949 and has played an essential part in the history of Czech literature for children and was one of the seven co-founders of the Bologna Children’s Book Fair in 1964. The company publishes over 1 500 titles per year, operates its own distribution network and expands abroad. Our amazing books are playful and educative, aiming to develop young readers curiosity and thirst for knowledge.

5. května 22, 140 00 Prague 4, Czech Republic

Euromedia Group

Euromedia Group (founded in 1991) is one of the largest companies in the Czech book market. It publishes over 700 new titles per year in a wide range of genres in various imprints, including an imprint for audiobooks. EMG also owns the largest book distribution network in the Czech Republic, supplying the booksellers, bookselling networks and e-shops with the production of the majority of Czech publishers. In addition, it has a chain of bookstores (Luxor) and a subscribers book club (Knižní klub).

Nádražní 762/32, 150 00 Prague 5 – Smíchov, Czech Republic

Masaryk University Press

Karolinum Press, part of Charles University, publishes scholarly monographs, journals, and textbooks. Our independent series present prestigious publications on the history and art history, language textbooks, and disciplinary and interdisciplinary series, including translations of foreign books focusing on literary science, history of culture, linguistics, and philosophy. Our special projects include books on Prague and Modern Czech Classics, particularly foreign languages translations.

Ovocný trh 560/5, 116 36 Prague 1, Czech Republic


The Publishing Department is a special-purpose facility administering National Gallery Prague’s publishing activity in close cooperation with art historians, curators, lecturers, collections, and the Gallery’s library. The department’s expert output is determined by its specialist focus. Apart from traditional printed matter - exhibition catalogues, collection inventories, guides, professional journals, conference proceedings, artist monographs - we also publish specialist books about art and related fields (art theory and philosophy, museology, art history archives, etc.), books introducing the Gallery’s collections, and children’s books.

Staroměstské nám. 12, 110 15 Prague 1, Czech Republic 

Národní galerie Praha
FINIDR, s.r.o.

FINIDR s.r.o. printing house is one of the biggest producers of hardback and paperback books in Central Europe. The main reasons for our successful long-term cooperation with many leading domestic as well as European publishers are: individual approach to customers, flexibility, customer service in 5 languages, favourable prices, short-term execution of orders and deliveries, top quality and 29 years long tradition.

Lípová 1965, 73701 Český Těšín, Czech Republic

Svět knihy
SVĚT KNIHY, s.r.o.  /

Company founded by the Association of Czech Booksellers and Publishers. Its main activity is the organisation of the annual Book World Prague Fair, the promotion of books and literature and export of Czech books.

Fügnerovo nám. 1808/3, 120 00 Prague 2, Czech Republic

The exhibition catalogue for the London Book Fair can be downloaded here.

A history of participation
at the book fair

Participation at the London Book Fair dates back to 2017. You can also take a brief look at previous years.

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